42KM, 21KM & 10KM Goody Bags BMA is introducing a plastic, drawstring OMT BEIRUT MARATHON goody bag that participants will receive with their bib and T-shirt. Each participant’s bib number will be printed on their goody bag.
OMT BEIRUT MARATHON 2025 BAGGAGE HANDLING will only accept the official OMT BEIRUT MARATHON bag with printed bib number from participants for secure storage on race day.
- No other bags will be accepted at BAGGAGE HANDLING.
- This new procedure aligns with international standards and ensures a safe and efficient check in and pick up process for all timed race participants.
- Participants in the 5 KM FUND RUN will receive a different goody bag upon crossing the finish line on race day.
- Start Line
- All races start at Beirut Waterfront, Gn. Wissam El Hassan Avenue
- Finish Line
- Two parallel Finish Lines at Beirut Waterfront
- 10 KM RACE & 5 KM FUND RUN shared
- Finish Line MARATHON RACE (42.195 KM) & HALF MARATHON RACE (21.1 KM) shared Finish Line
Baggage Handling Services
- Participants can check in their OMT BEIRUT MARATHON 2025 bag (with printed bib number) at BAGGAGE HANDLING located in each gathering area at the Start Line.
- Participants can pick up their bags from BAGGAGE HANDLING at the same location.
- Participants have until 01:30 PM on race day to retrieve their bag, after which all remaining bags will be donated to NGOs.
- Do not store any valuable items inside bag.
- BEIRUT MARATHON ASSOCIATION will not be responsible for any lost or stolen belongings